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At Keio University, research activities are conducted extensively and in various forms, including advanced research, interdisciplinary research, and international collaborative research. Some research evolves with a deeper focus, while others evolve broadly and expansively.

Communicating Keio Research

Keio proudly communicates the findings of its research through events throughout the year. The events below are catalysts for research collaboration, intellectual property creation, and knowledge transfer between Keio and government, business, and industry.

Intellectual Property

Keio University believes that an important mission of the university is to return the results of research findings to society. As such, Keio has publicly stated that the results from research carried out at Keio University are an invaluable resource for the university, and that it promotes the proactive protection and use of such intellectual properties.

Keio Innovation Initiative is a venture capital fund dedicated to innovation, established by Keio University to develop new industries based on leading-edge research findings.

Tel: 03-6435-0945
E-mail: pr@keio-innovation.co.jp

Collaboration with Research Institutions (Overseas)

We are working to enhance academic research through partnerships and various collaborative strategies and activities with overseas universities and academic research institutions, as well as by proactively engaging in joint research for individual research programs.

University-wide Comprehensive Partnership Agreements

Across Keio's campuses, researchers conduct many joint ventures with industry. Keio University has concluded university-wide comprehensive partnership agreements with the following institutions that allow the university to provide the infrastructure needed for multilateral organizational collaboration and transdisciplinary research.

Partnerships with Other Universities

Keio also collaborates with other universities and graduate schools to further enhance its educational and research infrastructure. Many of these partnerships are between individual faculties and graduate schools. Below some of the university-wide partnerships are listed.

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Agreement on student exchange to promote interaction between the natural and social sciences and national and private universities.

Academic Consortium for Nano and Micro Fabrication
(Keio University, Waseda University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and University of Tokyo)

An inter-university consortium on nano- and micro- fabrication that provides infrastructure for education and research and promotes collaboration between industry and academia.

Hitotsubashi University

Promoting the education of capable global leaders by partnering and collaboration in education and research.

Kyoto University, University of Tokyo, and Waseda University

Agreement on student exchange in postgraduate education to offer diverse academic and research opportunities for master's students and Ph.D. candidates to receive guidance and advance the frontiers of education and research.

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University

Agreement on scientific and academic cooperation for implementation of joint programs between graduate schools, mutual support for education and human resources development, and collaboration in joint research activities.

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