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Learning Together, Growing Together

From elementary school students to Ph.D. candidates, every member of Keio is encouraged to think critically and participate in the scientific method: to discover problems, formulate hypotheses, and offer new solutions for the future.

Learning while teaching, teaching while learning
Hangaku hankyo (半学半教)

Keio makes no distinction between teacher and student in this longstanding tradition of learning. Students and teachers alike must continually learn from one another.

The Three Policies of Keio University


The 10 undergraduate faculties at Keio cover a diverse range of academic disciplines. While promoting the founding spirit of jitsugaku, or practical learning, each faculty applies themselves in the spirit of free-thinking, offering creative and distinctive educational and research activities.


An introduction to the 14 graduate schools and their cutting-edge research.

Keio's Innovative Academic Programs

Keio offers a variety of academic programs across 10 undergraduate faculties and 14 graduate schools. Keio offers tomorrow's leaders an education that encourages scholarship alongside the values of equality, independence, and initiative. Gain access to the collections of one of Japan's largest libraries and take advantage of the wealth of information at your fingertips. See below for more information on some of the latest and most innovative academic programs Keio has to offer.


Other Programs

  • One of the largest residential education and research facilities in Japan, Mirai Sozojuku will be the global gateway of Keio University, built to deal with issues of a global nature as SFC celebrates its 25th anniversary.

  • People with the same goal of solving Japan's and the world's problems. A place where individuals can learn together through dialogue and discussion. Open to both students and professionals alike.
    *This program is in Japanese.

  • A fund designated for the aim of nurturing future world leaders with a spirit of independence and collaboration and has implemented projects to enhance the international experience of Keio students.
    *This program is in Japanese.

  • Keio University signed a Course Distribution Agreement with FutureLearn, the UK-based MOOC provider, making Keio the first university in Japan to become an official partner in 2015. Keio will continue to make available to anyone anywhere in the world, covering diverse fields and content unique to Japan through FutureLearn MOOCs.

  • The "Keio University Affiliated Schools Study Abroad Program" began in the 2014 academic year. Under the program, students are selected from among Keio University's affiliated schools to study abroad for about one year at a prestigious boarding school in the United States or United Kingdom.

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