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Keio University makes a point of ensuring that its campuses are safe and that its students, faculty, and staff have access to facilities that keep them healthy and active. See below for information on disaster relief, medical care, and counseling services available at Keio.

Keio University Health Center

Each of Keio University’s campuses and affiliated schools have their own health centers. The centers deal with health management, emergency medical care, health and hygiene education, infections, and environmental hygiene.

Student Counseling

There are student counseling rooms at the Mita, Hiyoshi, Yagami, and Shiba-Kyoritsu campuses. The student counseling rooms are equipped to give students advice on all kinds of student life-related issues.

Shonan Fujisawa Campus students can receive counseling at the Center for Physical and Mental Wellness.

Keio University Natural Disaster
and Emergency Pocketbook

The university has published the Keio University Natural Disaster and Emergency Pocketbook to educate staff and students on disaster prevention. The pocketbook is small enough to fit inside a wallet and contains useful information on how to deal with natural disasters and contacting your family and school in the event of a natural disaster.

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