Following the opening in March this year of the Hiyoshi International Dormitory in Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City the new Motosumiyoshi International Dormitory (tentative name) in Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki City, is slated to open in March 2018 as accommodation where both international and Japanese students live together. The Tsunashima SST International Dormitory (tentative name) is also scheduled to open in Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City in March next year. With the addition of these two new international dormitories, Keio University will operate a total of ten dormitories with an overall capacity of 1,524 residents.
In 2014, Keio University was selected for the Top Global University Project as one of Japan’s top universities providing a world-class level of research and education (Type A), and it has since endeavored to increase the number of international students at Keio, as well as promote international exchange among students. The construction of this type of mixed dormitory is an important initiative to foster future global leaders, allowing students from around the world and from Japan to live together, learn from one another in their daily lives, interact with each other, and hone an international mindset.
Going forward, there are plans to strategically expand and improve Keio University’s international housing facilities with the aim of recruiting high-caliber students from Japan and abroad and promoting further globalization of its campuses.
For further information, please refer to the following PDF file.
Keio University Plans Major Expansion of Student Housing for International Students 10th Student Dormitory “Motosumiyoshi International Dormitory (tentative name)” To Open in March 2018