A ceremony to confer the Doctorate Honoris Causa upon Professor Neil Wallace of The Pennsylvania State University was held at the Mita Public Speaking Hall (Mita Enzetsu-kan) from 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16. In the 1980s, Professor Wallace played a leading role in the emergence of a new and revolutionary macroeconomics theory and he also made contributions to monetary theory. In high recognition of these achievements, Keio University decided to confer the Doctorate Honoris Causa upon him.
The Wagner Society sang as Professor Wallace entered the hall. Professor Sahoko Kaji of the Faculty of Economics served as the master of ceremonies, and Professor Shinsuke Nakamura, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, read the citation. Next, President Seike conferred the Doctorate Honoris Causa upon Professor Wallace and gave a congratulatory address. This was followed by an address of thanks from Professor Wallace.
After the ceremony, Professor Wallace gave a Yukichi Fukuzawa Memorial Lecture in Economics titled “Models of Money Based on Imperfect Monitoring and Pairwise Meetings: Policy Implications” at the North Hall in the North Building. He introduced various monetary theories and talked about what can be learned from them. The audience members listened attentively to what Professor Wallace had to say, and a lively questions and answers session was held during the lecture.