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The International Center Global Lounge

The International Center Global Lounge opened in October 2015 on Level 1 of the South School Building on Mita Campus. The newly renovated lounge, formerly the International Communication Corner, is intended to encourage Keio students to study abroad and to promote interaction between Keio and international students on campus.

The Global Lounge is an open space for Keio and international students to meet and interact informally. A bright and airy design was incorporated so that students can feel free to come and go between classes, and on the lounge walls are lists and maps showing Keio’s partner institutions and photos, adding a decorative touch to the space. Various resources such as information on studying abroad and on partner institutions are available in the lounge, and the space will also be used as a venue for study abroad information sessions and other events in which both Keio and international students can participate.

One such event, an information session for Keio students interested in studying abroad in Switzerland, took place on 13 November. Exchange students from three Keio partner universities in Switzerland—the University of Geneva, the University of St. Gallen, and the University of Zurich—gave presentations on their universities and student life in Switzerland, and they took questions from the interested students.

In the future there are plans to recruit International Center Student Assistants (SA), who have previously participated in exchange programs, and hold study abroad consultation sessions in the lounge.

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